visual art diary

A digital commonplace book for recording art, resources, project ideas, things I'm interested in.

Also my first foray into css grid structure! The aim is that on laptops this will display as a fun horizontally-scrolling collage/gallery, and on phones it will read one item at a time in order of the source html (by using a media query to disable the grid structure for small screens).

return to library?

Quilted squares by strata stratum. I like the printed images and text; like magazines and collage, or textbook diagrams.

Log Cabin quilt pattern (hover if on laptop) and architectural maps by Wynn Chandra.

Reminds me of Psychogeography.

Bird, Fan by Penny Cortright, 2022.
2.16 x 2.32 m

pink Quilt by Penny Cortright, 2022.
2.29 x 2.26 m

I'm slowly learning to machine sew clothes, and I'd like to hand quilt too.

Recently a local artist/sewist gave away so many absolutely gorgeous eco-dyed fabric scraps, so I chose some which I am using to make a patchwork skirt.

Tiered patchwork skirt resources:

Laying out fabric squares for the skirt.